Monday, February 4, 2013

Seth's #3

We are now headed to Richmond, Va! This is where we will find this American singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He is the former lead singer of the Richmond, Virginia-based punk rock band Avail. In addition to performing with Avail, he was the bass guitarist in the Richmond-based folk punk band (Young) Pioneers from 1994-1995. He has been performing folk music on his own since 2004. Off of his 2010 Album 28th & Stonewall...

Seth's number 3 song is...
Tim Barry ~ Thing of The Past

"Two weeks without alcohol ain't hard if it weren't for these goddamn scars
and memories and hell it helps me sleep
I cannot focus if I don't rest and if I ain't doing nothing lord I get depressed
so here's to raising hell and living cheap

Life ain't all it's supposed to be
walking floors and worrying
behind locked doors avoiding friends you hardly see
I've live and learned and lord I made it back
I fought three at once and they whooped my ass
but living's better when taking chances constantly"

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