Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Seth's #2

Back to the Lone star state we go,  this is where we will this next artist.  Wait a second these guys seem familiar, AH they we also the band from Seth's number 8 song. Off of their 2009 album Approaching Normal...

Seth's number 2 song is...
Blue October ~ The End

"Here alone, standing barefoot in our lawn,
Worms squeezing their way through my toes
Tonight that's how it goes.
I'm at your window kneeling quiet,
I thought at least I'd maybe try to get your head right your heart right
"Let him go!"

Then through the glass I see your dress fall to the floor as he embraces every inch of you
The woman I adore.
I can't believe the way you're bending
Can't believe this neverending moaning asking him for more
Begging him for more"

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