Sorry for the interruption but... I would like to bring you something a little different. Since the beginning of the year, I've been listening to five to seven albums a week. As of right now I've listened to 26 different albums! For this post, I'm posting some of my favorite songs off of those albums.
Here we are yet again, about ready to reveal a new number one song! But as usual let us recap Seth's list thus far...
10. Frank Turner - If I Ever Stray
9. Todd Snider - Carla
8. Blue October - Into The Ocean
7. The Airborne Toxic Event - Does This Mean You're Moving On?
6. Unwritten Law - Save Me
5. Alkaline Trio - Dine, Dine, My Darling
4. Fake Problems - Heartless
3. Tim Barry - Thing of the Past
2. Blue October - The End
This next artist is from New York, most of you might know his as the front man for the rap group House Of Pain. He decided to go solo and go with a more rock sound, This next song is by far his biggest hit. Off of his 1998 album Whitey Ford Sings the Blues...
Seth's number one song is...
Everlast ~ What It's Like
"We've all seen the man at the liquor store beggin' for your change
The hair on his face is dirty, dreadlocked and full of mange
He ask the man for what he could spare with shame in his eyes
Get a job you fuckin' slob's all he replied
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes
'Cause then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues
Back to the Lone star state we go, this is where we will this next artist. Wait a second these guys seem familiar, AH they we also the band from Seth's number 8 song. Off of their 2009 album Approaching Normal...
Seth's number 2 song is...
Blue October ~ The End
"Here alone, standing barefoot in our lawn,
Worms squeezing their way through my toes
Tonight that's how it goes.
I'm at your window kneeling quiet,
I thought at least I'd maybe try to get your head right your heart right
"Let him go!"
Then through the glass I see your dress fall to the floor as he embraces every inch of you
The woman I adore.
I can't believe the way you're bending
Can't believe this neverending moaning asking him for more
We are now headed to Richmond, Va! This is where we will find this Americansinger,songwriter, andguitarist. He is the former lead singer of theRichmond, Virginia-basedpunk rockbandAvail. In addition to performing with Avail, he was thebass guitaristin the Richmond-basedfolk punkband(Young) Pioneersfrom 1994-1995. He has been performingfolk musicon his own since 2004. Off of his 2010 Album 28th & Stonewall... Seth's number 3 song is... Tim Barry ~ Thing of The Past
"Two weeks without alcohol ain't hard if it weren't for these goddamn scars
and memories and hell it helps me sleep
I cannot focus if I don't rest and if I ain't doing nothing lord I get depressed
so here's to raising hell and living cheap
Life ain't all it's supposed to be
walking floors and worrying
behind locked doors avoiding friends you hardly see
I've live and learned and lord I made it back
I fought three at once and they whooped my ass
but living's better when taking chances constantly"