Friday, September 28, 2012

Scott's #6

Back across the pond we go,  London to be exact. This is where we will find this rock guitarist and vocalist.  This next song is off of his second solo album, and it is by far his biggest hit.  The Title track off of that 1974 album...

Scott's number 6 song is...
Robin Thrower ~ Bridge of Sighs

"The sun don't shine
The moon don't move the tides,
To wash me clean
Sun don't shine
The moon don't move the tides,
To wash me clean
Why so unforgiving and why so cold
Been a long time crossing Bridge of Sighs
Cold wind blows
The Gods look down in anger,
On this poor child
Cold wind blows
And Gods look down in anger,
On this poor child
Why so unforgiving and why so cold
Been a long time crossing Bridge of Sighs"

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