Friday, September 14, 2012

Mike's #6

Let's head to London! Wait a second, London, you're telling me a band with this name was formed in England? Anyways, this folk/ rock band reached their popularity peak in the late 1970's.  This next song actually reached number one on the Billboard charts! So I'm sure most of you will recognize this song. Off of  their 1975 album Hearts...

Mike's number 6 song is...
America ~ Sister Golden Hair

"Well I tried to make it Sunday, but I got so damn depressed
That I set my sights on Monday and I got myself undressed
I ain't ready for the altar but I do agree there's times
When a woman sure can be a friend of mine
Well, I keep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister Golden Hair surprise
And I just can't live without you; can't you see it in my eyes?
I been one poor correspondent, and I been too, too hard to find
But it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind"

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