Friday, March 8, 2013

My #10 Album

Keeping in the spirit of the Top Ten Music Blog, I think it's time to head in a new direction.  I will still accept top ten song list but I am now accepting top ten album list! So for all 32 of you that have given me a top ten list, here is a new challenge! My criteria for a top ten album is pretty basic, you can sit and listen to the entire album without skipping any songs, the rest is up to you.  Well here we go...
For those of you newer to the blog, or don't know my musical taste that well, I didn't really get into music until I was in high school in the late 90's ~ Early 00's (I graduated in 2002).  That will be greatly reflected in my list...

I'm not normally a punk rock fan but these guys are the exception, they are lyrically punk but on this album sound more alternative rock .  This is their fifth studio album and but far their most successful...

My #10 album is...

Appeal To Reason ~ Rise Against 


(Singles in bold and videos below)
1."Collapse (Post-Amerika)"  
2."Long Forgotten Sons"  
3."Re-Education (Through Labor)" * 
4."The Dirt Whispered"  
5."Kotov Syndrome"  
6."From Heads Unworthy"  
7."The Strength to Go On"  
8."Audience of One"*  
10."Hero of War"  
12."Hairline Fracture"  
13."Whereabouts Unknown"  

"Re-Education (Through Labor)

Audience of One

My favorite song off this album and by far their biggest hit

(I'm still tweaking this format so any ideas are welcome)

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