Monday, January 7, 2013

George's #10

FINALLY a new top ten! This one is from my boss Jim's George.  

Back to England,  Birmingham, to be exact, were one of the leading British rock bands of the 1960s. They scored nine Top 20 UK singles in five years, but were among the most popular British bands not to find any success in the United States  This next song is the title track off of their 1971 album...

George's number 10 song is...
The Move ~ Message From the Country

"Here the roar a coming
Here the roar a comingHere the roar a coming now

Got news for your motherGot news for your motherGot news for your mother tonight

Sister, I have touched the evergreenAnd I promise that it's life should go unseenNow it saves the birds upon the fireAnd the message from the country rises higher

Hear the birdie callingHear the birdie callingHear the birdie calling for life

Message from the countryMessage from the countryMessage from the country rising high

Sister, I have touched the evergreenAnd I promise that it's life should go unseenNow it saves the birds upon the fireAnd the message from the country rises higher"

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