Let's head back to England shall we, it seems to be where all the good rock bands are from. They were known for their gritty, bluesy sound and deep-voiced front-man. I am sure that you have heard a song by these guys but you might not have known it. This song was released as a single in 1965...
Cameron's number 9 song is...
The Animals ~ It's My Life
"Hear what I say, I'm gonna ride that serpent
No more time spent sweatin' rent
Hear my command, I'm breakin' loose, 'cause I ain't no use
Holdin' me down, girl stick around
And baby, remember
It's my life and I'll do what I want
It's my mind and I'll think like I want
Show me I'm wrong, hurt me sometime
But some day I'll treat you real fine
I'll treat you so fine, dear, you're so real"
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