Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jessica's #7 song

Before I get to Jessica's number 7 song, I would like to take a moment to make an important statement.  I know you all may be a little tired of hearing about the S.O.P.A./ P.I.P.A thing, but I've some to realize that if either of those acts pass, I more than likely won't be able to keep this blog going. Since I post a lot of copyrighted material with the help of YouTube.  That's just some food for thought, now back to the music.
Jessica's number 7 song is...
The Killers ~ When You Were Young (2006)
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus 
But he talks like a gentleman 
Like you imagined when you were young 
(He talks like a gentlemen, like you imagined when) 
When you were young 

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