Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sorry for the interruption (4) but...

Sorry for the interruption but the TTMB would like to bring another Artist You Should Know.
In an era where commercial rock music is lacking the rock part, true rock fans have to either settle or seek out new rock music.  Since I figure most of you reading this blog fall into the second category, I give you a "local" band who needs to be heard.
"From their beginning in 2000, the Connersville, Indiana-based group Kramus has been on a steady path of growth helping to redefine the diversity, emotion, and influence of rock music in the USA. Kramus has emerged as one of the nations most promising unsigned acts. " from their Facebook page
                                           "Down Below"
"The Sleaze"

You can check out more of their music on their Facebook page or on

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